King George County Constitutional Militia
King George, Virginia


This document serves as the founding document for the King George County Constitutional Militia of Virginia and describes the creation, organization, and operation of said entity.


King George County Constitutional Militia is an unorganized civilian militia as recognized by the U.S. Constitution, the Virginia State Constitution, and Virginia Code.

Constitution of the United States Bill of Rights Second Amendment

  • A well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

Constitution of Virginia Article I. Bill of Rights, Section 13. Militia; standing armies; military subordinate to civil power

  • That a well regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state, therefore, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed; that standing armies, in time of peace, should be avoided as dangerous to liberty; and that in all cases the military should be under strict subordination to, and governed by, the civil power.

Code of Virginia §Title 44, Article 1. Composition of militia

  • The militia of the Commonwealth of Virginia shall consist of all able-bodied residents of the Commonwealth who are citizens of the United States and all other able-bodied persons resident in the Commonwealth who have declared their intention to become citizens of the United States, who are at least 16 years of age and, except as hereinafter provided, not more than 55 years of age. The militia shall be divided into three classes: the National Guard, which includes the Army National Guard and the Air National Guard; the Virginia Defense Force; and the unorganized militia.

Code of Virginia §44 – 4, Article 4, Composition of unorganized militia

  • The unorganized militia shall consist of all able-bodied persons as set out in § 44-1, except such as may be included in § 44-2 and § 44-54.6 and except such as may be exempted as hereinafter provided.

Code of Virginia §44 – 54.6, Members, appointment and enlistment 

  • The age limitations of § 44-1 to the contrary notwithstanding, the Virginia Defense Force shall consist of:

  • 1) Such volunteers who of their own volition agree to service in conformity with regulations prescribed by the Adjutant General who are (i) residents of the Commonwealth or any contiguous state, (ii) at least 16, provided that any volunteer under the age of 18 shall have the written consent of at least one parent or guardian, and (iii) less than 65 years of age may join the Virginia Defense Force, except that the Adjutant General may, on a case-by-case basis, authorize volunteer members of the Virginia Defense Force to be accessed or retained beyond the age of 65 to the age of 75.

  • 2) Such persons of the unorganized militia who may be drafted to fill the force structure of the Virginia Defense Force or who may be ordered out for active duty until released from such service.

  • The officers of the Virginia Defense Force shall be appointed by the Governor in conformity with regulations prescribed by the Adjutant General.

  • Enlisted members shall be enlisted and retained in conformity with regulations prescribed by the Adjutant General.


The Virginia Code mandates that all militia members be 16 years or older and 55 years old or younger in order to volunteer for an active militia unit. Qualified applicants over 55 years old will be accepted into the King George Constitutional Militia without restrictions.

Membership in the King George County Constitutional Militia of Virginia is a voluntary affiliation with the organization.

Membership will be denied to anyone who is a felon, has ever been adjudicated as a mental defective, a member of any hate group, racist, moral reprobate, socialist, communist, anarchist, or provocateur.

Membership is restricted to those citizens that have been granted a Virginia Resident Concealed Handgun Permit and is therefore available to those 21 years old or older. Proof that a member has been granted a Virginia Resident Concealed Handgun Permit and that it is unexpired is expected. Applicants under the age of 21 may be accepted after an independent background check is performed to ensure eligibility, active duty service member, reserve service member, or law enforcement.

Membership will not be predicated on the individual’s race, sex, national origin, or physical characteristics.

All prospective members shall be required to provide their name, date of birth, address, contact information, and next of kin as part of their membership application. Providing general information detailing prior military experience and/or other such skills as may be utilized by the militia may be requested.


The mission of the King George County Constitutional Militia of Virginia is to support and defend:

  • The Constitution of the United States of America and its Bill of Rights,
  • The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Virginia and its Bill of Rights,
  • All citizens regardless of race, color, creed, religion, sex, physical characteristics, or national origin, and
  • Our community in the event of any disaster or emergency
  • And, perform community service roles as appropriate.


It is the goal of the King George County Constitutional Militia of Virginia to:

  • PRESENT itself to all people as a well-regulated, well-trained, well-equipped, and knowledgeable militia unit consisting of ordinary citizens,
  • ASSIST all citizens in the event of natural disaster, civil defense, and defense of self, our commonwealth, and our nation,
  • MAINTAIN a cohesive and identifiable command structure capable of giving and following instructions in order to perform a multitude of tasks as needs arise,
  • TRAIN members in disciplines necessary to the function of a militia including, but not limited to, firearms proficiency, military operations in urban terrain, individual survival, first aid, radio communications, emergency preparedness, and community service,
  • EDUCATE members with knowledge of this exceptional nation’s early history and an understanding that personal freedom instills the resolve for just laws and respectful personal behavior,
  • INFORM members of local, national, and global events that threaten and potentially interfere with our nation’s ability to operate in accordance with the Constitution,
  • ENCOURAGE members to stand against all tyranny that threatens our individual freedoms, our representative form of government, and our republic,
  • UPHOLD constitutional rule of law whereby all citizens have the right to a timely trial by a jury of their peers in a court of law,
  • DEFEND those whose rights are being oppressed, whose rights are being suppressed, and/or those who are unlawfully detained by federal, state, or local law enforcement, and
  • AID & DEFEND those being attacked or threatened by any violent protestor, rioter, or domestic terrorist.


The members of the King George County Constitutional Militia of Virginia are expected to value:

  • Loyalty - Unwavering support and allegiance directed to the U.S. and State Constitutions, the unit, other patriots, and our fellow citizens
  • Duty - Performing whatever task is assigned to the best of one’s ability; to fulfill one’s obligations
  • Respect - Not only for individuals but one’s surroundings, equipment and community
  • Selfless Service - Place the welfare of the nation, commonwealth, militia, and fellow citizens above self
  • Humility and Honor - The integrity to see the truth and admit mistakes, to always do what is morally sound, and to recognize that without humility there is no honor
  • Integrity - A personal quality of a moral compass that doesn't waiver
  • Personal Courage - The quality of spirit that enables one to face fear, danger, or adversity


A command structure is utilized in order to achieve the goals listed above. Units may be described as detachments, fire-teams, squads, platoons, or companies as appropriate for the unit’s membership size.

General militia membership shall consist of members within a county designated to serve together as a cohesive unit. Members from outside the county are welcome to join any militia unit in any other county but will be encouraged to primarily align with their local county’s militia structures.

The Command Staff

Militia Command will consist of senior militia leadership and staff. The Militia Command shall complete all militia matters that require a command decision.

During training and operations, Militia Command and subordinate unit leaders will issue commands and directions that unit members will follow and act upon.

Militia Command will give direction and commands that are constitutionally lawful and will prioritize the safety of the militia members under them.  Each unit’s leader is expected to execute the leadership’s instructions and is similarly expected to prioritize the safety of the militia members under them.

This chain of command will promote organizational effectiveness, order, and discipline within the militia unit. This structure allows for providing direction and timely decision-making for the militia unit to follow.

Militia Command maintains all necessary administrative records and resources for the unit such as personnel documents, standard operating procedures, training standards, and militia field training manuals.  These documents will be made available as requested.

The unit’s command structure is amendable as needed based on the unit’s growth. Members can generally hold command staff positions concurrently with other positions within the organization. The only exclusive positions that must be held by separate individuals are the Commander and Executive Officer.

Command Structure Duties and Responsibilities / Position and Duties

Militia Command
Commander (CO)

  • The commander is responsible for training, safety, security, and discipline of members, and responsible for mission accomplishment. Ensures militia training and operations remain within the Mission. Directs and supervises all phases of operations and employment of the unit.
  • Assisted and advised by officers and key NCOs in performing duties.
  • The following are among the commander's most important duties and responsibilities:
  •     * Leads the unit by planning, directing, and supervising company operations to accomplish mission.
  •     * Establishes unit policies, procedures, and SOPs.
  •     * Ensures that unit readiness is maintained.
  •     * Leads the militia in training and operations to satisfy militia missions

Executive Officer (XO)

  • The XO is the commander's principal staff officer and is second in command. The XO also performs the following:
  •     * Transmits the commander's decision to staff sections in name of commander to subordinate units as needed.
  •     * Represents commander during absence, directing action IAW established policy and guidance.
  •     * Receives and analyzes information from wide variety of sources that might be useful to commander.
  •     * Ensure Commander’s Intent is expressed to lower echelons of command
  •     * Performs duties of Commander in his/her absence

Civil Affairs Liaison

  • Primary point of contact for the county Sheriff, other militia groups, and the media. This is a staff position. The duties include:
  •     * Serve as liaison to Community Officials
  •     * Prepares media dispatches, social media posts, etc.

Logistics Officer

  • Militia members are primarily expected to provide their own provisions. The Logistics Officer specifies and ensures that basic equipment needs are established, followed, and maintained. This is a staff position. The duties include:
  •     * Coordinates resources for training and operations
  •     * Ensures additional available resources and all records are properly stored, maintained, and distributed
  •     * Coordinates resource storage and guard for militia on training, operations
  •     * Responsible to ensure all expenditures checks over $500.00 are signed by the Logistics Officer and the Commanding Officer

Communications Officer

  • Coordinates communications within the militia. The Communications Officer is responsible for the standardization of the technologies used within the militia for the purposes of sharing information. This is a staff position. The duties include: 
  •     * Selection of frequencies for training and operations and methods of communications
  •     * Sets the required digital applications used to support militia operations. 
  •     * Required to create, distribute, and retire codes for communications purposes.

Training Officer

  • Training Officer is responsible for setting the basic training requirements for all militia members. This is a staff position. The duties include:
  •     * Setting training requirements and goals
  •     * Arranging training sessions to meet the goals
  •     * Evaluating training effectiveness for training improvement

Chaplain Officer

  • Militia Chaplain is the officer in charge of the spiritual guidance of the militia. The Chaplain is automatically an officer. The Chaplain must be a Christian within a mainline denomination. This is a staff position.

Unit Leadership

Team Lead

  • Highest ranking militia member within a Fire Team. Responsible for coordinating Fire Team training and operations. Team Lead is responsible to ensure Fire Team members are properly equipped and trained. Rank cannot exceed Squad NCO.

Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO)

  • NCO leads squad operations, coordinating the Fire Teams within the squad. The NCO is responsible for squad training, equipment, and operational deployment. NCO works with the Senior NCO to ensure militia mission requirements are met. NCO provides input into training and leadership development to the Senior NCO.

Senior NCO

  • The Senior NCO assists unit officer in execution of mission. Senior NCO must understand unit’s mission and be able to adjust administrative requirements to aid in accomplishing that mission. The Senior NCO performs the following:
  •     * Manages unit command facilities and operation.
  •     * Coordinates unit activities.
  •     * Assumes duties of unit officer, in absence of all other officers.
  •     * Maintains duty rosters, Supervises training as the unit senior trainer.
  •     * Oversee Unit Training/Leader Development

Unit Officer

  • The Unit Officer is responsible for units Platoon and larger. The Officer is responsible for planning patrol routes, assigning tasks, and positioning and employing members under command. In the case of a Platoon, the Platoon Officer and the Platoon sergeant (Senior NCO), make up the headquarters section of the platoon.

Platoon Sergeant (PSG)

  • The Platoon Sergeant is the senior NCO in charge of the platoon. Following guidance of the Platoon Officer. The platoon sergeant also performs the following:
  •     * Supervises, through squad leaders
  •     * Coordinates squad training and operational activities.
  •     * Inspects platoon defensive perimeter in bivouac and takes corrective action when appropriate.
  •     * Enforces safety rules and techniques.
  •     * Identify/Develop personnel to fill leadership roles 
  •     * Ensure training conducted follows standards

Unit Structure

The militia unit will be filled in from bottom up, from the fire team to platoon level and up, and adjusted as required.  Here is the structural breakdown of a typical infantry and leadership structure:


With a unit structured in this fashion, it allows the militia commanders to deploy by 4-man fire-team, with a minimum group size in pairs.  When conducting official militia duties there should always be battle buddies.  


Rank insignia is determined by the needs and size of each unit. Positions within each unit are determined by the needs of each unit.  Rank insignia will be drawn from either U.S. Army or USMC insignia.


All positions are given their authority by members. The leaders, and those they lead, must work together while maintaining discipline and mutual respect. All members are expected to support and follow lawful orders and directives of the chain of command.

If a member feels compelled to disobey or openly reject the chain of command, then that member should immediately withdraw from the militia and will do so without prejudice.

Provisions are available to remove members who discredit the militia. (See item 4.2)


The unit patch for the King George County Constitutional Militia of Virginia is:


Unit Motto

The motto for the King George County Constitutional Militia of Virginia is:

“Prepare to Defend”

and alternatively

“Parare Defendere”


Membership Oath

  • I, (Name), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Virginia against all enemies foreign and domestic; I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; I will obey the lawful orders of those appointed over me, I take this obligation freely, without any reservation or purpose of evasion.

Types of Membership

  • Recruit - A new member that has completed King George County Constitutional Militia membership application paperwork, has attended less than 3 training events, and has not completed Level 1 training (Level 1 training TBD).  Recruits have no leadership authority or decision-making rights in the unit.
  • Member - An active participant in King George County Constitutional Militia activities. Active status is defined as having providing information required to complete the membership application paperwork, signed and taken the oath, completed Level 1 training (Level 1 training TBD), completed the 90-day probationary period, attends training regularly, maintains communication within the unit, and abides by the rules and regulations set forth by unit leadership.

  • Supporter - A supporter will take the oath, will participate in a non/un-armed role, and has no input or influence on the operations of the King George County Constitutional Militia, 

  • Inactive - A member of the King George County Constitutional Militia is in inactive status, that has:
  •     * Been absent from training for a period of 3 consecutive training session without a legitimate reason
  •     * Requested inactive reserve status

Types of Membership Release

  • Withdrawal - A member may voluntarily withdraw membership at any time by notifying the Militia Command, in writing, of their decision.

  • Suspension / Dismissal - Suspension of a member is allowed for violations of law, violence, repeated disciplinary issues, and other serious offenses that affect unit cohesion and the unit’s public reputation.
  •     * A member may be suspended by written and/or verbally verified notice
  •     * A member may request command review of suspension
  •     * The maximum penalty for any offense will be permanent dismissal from the unit
  •     * Suspension review shall be performed in an expedient manner so as not to punish an innocent individual. The review may be performed via teleconference, in person, or other methods available
  •     * Suspension review must include the unit leadership at a minimum
  •     * Members may present evidence and pose questions in their defense during such review
  •     * Decisions must meet 75% or 3/4 vote from the Militia Command for decision

Individual Conduct

Militia members are encouraged to live exemplary lives in public and in private. Violation of the law or irresponsible behavior places the legitimacy of the King George County Constitutional Militia at risk. One member can jeopardize the entire Constitutional militia movement by their actions when those wishing to discredit the organization look for such opportunity.  Therefore, to protect the body as a whole, militia members will be subject to discipline or dismissal as required.

Any militia members may voluntarily withdraw from the militia at any time without prejudice for conscience sake. In such case, all issued equipment must be returned.  It shall also be the right of each militia member to appeal to authority within their chain of command regarding grievances. In every case (except direct violations of Constitutions or appropriate law) however, the militia member shall follow the order or directive first and make an appeal afterward.


Under no circumstances are members permitted to discredit the King George County Constitutional Militia by pressuring citizens to join or contribute material/financial support in any way. All material and financial contributions will be accepted with the clear understanding that the inalienable rights of all will be protected without qualification or exception.



Members of the King George County Constitutional Militia are encouraged to procure and maintain uniforms and equipment as specified by the command.

The basic uniform of the unit will consist of olive drab (OD Green) cargo pants (with cargo pockets), a green long sleeve shirt with front pockets, and /or camouflage t-shirt. Footwear will be boots that support the ankle.

When in uniform, members represent the King George County Constitutional Militia. Therefore, member’s uniforms will be clean, shirts tucked in, and patches either attached with Velcro or sewn on properly. 


All militia members in a defensive role must have their own rifle, ammunition, and equipment. 

The primary firearm of a King George County Constitutional Militia member will be the rifle. The rifle’s caliber is at the member’s discretion (22LR or greater).

Members are required to remain proficient in the maintenance and safe operation of the firearms in their charge. Members must have a minimum of 400 rounds of rifle ammunition per rifle and 150 rounds per sidearm.

Members must have a minimum of 4 rifle magazines or end block clips.  Members with side arms must also have a minimum of 2 pistol magazines or speed loaders in a ready state, loaded, and maintained.

Equipment shall consist of necessary based on assignment. Equipment will be kept available for the member’s rapid deployment. A priority should be place on acquiring proper basic equipment; additional equipment is at the member’s discretion.

Members are expected to obey all Constitutional laws with regards to firearms. Further detailed training on rules of engagement will be provided.


The role of communication is critical in the case of any disaster, threat, or invasion. Radio communications will serve as the principal medium for contingency / emergency communication principally due to negligible infrastructure requirements (cell phones and internet requires infrastructure that is vulnerable to disruption) and the robust, yet decentralized, networks that can be created.  Communications interoperability is a fundamental requirement so the selected radio bands and communications modes will dictate the types of equipment and training required.

Operational communications have two components: equipment and the capability to use that equipment.  Of the two, however, learning how to use the equipment is the more significant consideration.  Commercial off-the-shelf equipment can be purchased and remain ready for service.  Expertise, however, requires time to develop and routine practice is needed in order to remain proficient.

At the bare minimum, members should endeavor to obtain a Technician Class License under the FCC’s Amateur Radio Service.  The knowledge gained in pursuit of the license is valuable for all radio-based operations and will serve well even when operating on various bands.  Additionally, getting an Amateur license enables the operator to then join one of the many “ham” radio clubs and learn from the expertise available from those club members.  Doing so is the best way to develop and maintain true radio communications expertise that can be relied upon during militia operations.  The combination of reliable equipment and personal expertise will increase the chances that robust communications will be available regardless of contingency.


Members must discipline themselves to set aside time each month for assembly. The King George County Constitutional Militia trains twice a month. Occasionally the weeks may change based on situational needs. Members will be notified of actual assembly times and places. While it is intended that the militia’s activities intrude as little as possible in the private lives of its members, it is expected that individual members are volunteers that have made a commitment to the unit, must be ready to meet periodically to maintain expertise, and be prepared to deploy as the need arises. It will be the objective of the staff to infringe as little as possible on the time of militia members, recognizing their responsibilities to their families and jobs.


Militia Command shall issue written SOP’s for operational conduct. The Militia Command will develop these SOP’s with the assistance of members skilled in the discipline that is being developed.

King George County

Constitutional Militia

​King George, Virginia


Sic Semper Tyrannis


Thus Always to Tyrants